Maria Krylova, songwriter, musician, vocalist, photographer, videographer, employee of one of the country's top radio stations, accompanies her first album with this words:
- I was born in Nizhny Novgorod and living for whole my life. My first and currently relevant place of work is Radio Vesti FM. My hobbies are related to creativity. Photography: the shooting process itself, correction, color correction; making art videos. I love to write poems and songs, that's what helps to speak out, give life to emotions and let go...
Maria decided to conduct her creative activity under the pseudonym Maranta. This pseudonym of Mary was suggested by her mother, a participant in the top musical TV shows "The Voice" and "Three Country Chords", singer and actress Lyudmila Sokolova.
Maranta is a plant that came to our latitudes from the Brazilian tropics, which is called conspiracy, prayer grass. Esotericists believe that Maranta streamlines the rhythm of life of "owls", saves from insomnia and helps those who have lost the meaning of life to regain it. The music that Maria Krylova creates is quite consistent with this.
- Music is what always heals me. And I also love cats and dogs very much, I have three fluffy children - the Persian cat Mysha, the cat Fedya from the street and the dog Ellie, which I took from the shelter....
- writes Maria.
Maria is a first-year student at the Department of Musical Sound Engineering at the Nizhny Novgorod Glinka Conservatory, her favorite musicians are Coldplay, Stereophonics, MagyCool, The Weeknd, Ry x, SOULOUD, Nothing But Thieves. Among the poets, Maria singles out the works of Sasha Misanova, she is close to the philosophy of Erich Fromm, especially his wonderful book "The Art of Loving". Favorite Movies: Law Abiding Citizen, August Rush, City of Angels, The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons.
- All my songs were written at different times - at 16, 18 and 19 years old, but they have a common theme - the search for answers. All my work is manifested with my emotions. I ask myself questions that I never got an answer to. it's about love letters that don't have a recipient. And, perhaps, someone will find himself in them...
- says Maria.
- Memories - the radio single in two versions, as a duet with my mother, fanous singer and actress Lyudmila Sokolova - she always inspires me. This song was written in one night, it contains memories and feelings.
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