Benjamin Brim, born Sept 30, 1986, is 28 years old. Born to parents Patrica Brim and Samuel Smith, Ben’s biological father Samuel, exited his life by the age of 3. Patrica then married a Christian Preacher who adopted Ben, which started Ben’s musical journey in the church. At the age of 9 Ben started playing drums and then guitar by the age of 13. In Ben’s own words this is how he learned to play the guitar. “My baby brother Joseph got an acoustic guitar for his birthday and from the day he got it, I wanted to play it all the time. After the first few days of my little brother crying and complaining that he didn’t want me to play his new guitar, my parents laid the law down and said I was no longer allowed to play it because it was causing too much drama in the house. So while everyonewas asleep at night, I would sneak into Joseph’s room and play his guitar all night until everyone woke up the next day. I never got caught so for the longest time. I taught myself how to play in the closet of my room in order not be heard by anyone in the house. Eventually some time passed and I received a hand me down Washburn electric guitar from my brother in law. A few years later I received an acoustic guitar of my own from my parents for a birthday gift. From the first time I played the 6 strings on my brother’s guitar, I was in love with the instrument and to this day prefer to play my acoustic to relieve stress.” By middle school, Ben started to excel in sports. By the time he reached Woodstock High School (In Woodstock, GA) he became the all time leading scorer for Woodstock’s varsity basketball team. Because of his great playing ability he was awarded a 4 year college basketball scholarship. After leading his college basketball team to a championship Ben had an opportunity to go Pro. Before Ben could take advantage of the opportunity he was injured which ended his basketball career. At the age of 27 Ben met his biological father for the first time. Because Ben’s mother didn’t know Ben’s fathers race, Ben always wondered his race. Ben’s biological father (Sam Smith) offered clarification. Ben is White, Black, Puerto Rican and Argentinian. Ben’s musical influences include Bands like Incubus, Presidents of the United States of America, Oasis, Jimmy Eat World, Dave Mathews’s Band,
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