Quarta Prodigia

Quarta Prodigia

InnerCat Music Group
United States


Quarta Prodigia: A group of incomparable virtuosos who have retaken all different stages of this musical revolution with the purpose of creating a melodic fusion that surpasses the present representing the best selection of the universal musical repertoire. Quarta Prodigia Is a vocal quartet of exceptional lyric singers originated from the Cuban National Opera who have developed into international individual careers in countries like México, Spain, Italy and the United States.Their voices are formed by a soprano, a tenor and a baritone who have skillfully worked with a large variety of songs from the classic to the contemporary ones creating this way a scale of tones harmonically balanced. In its musical repertoire they count with an ample range of rhythm and melodies from classic, romantic and the most famous ones. A sort of fusion never made before. With their exquisite voices they allow us to listen the classic ones wisely linked to the most modern ones keeping their lyric presence and the elegance of their roots.
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